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The Quadrilateral Code

The Quadrilateral code is a dynamic self development system for entrepreneurs as well as intrapreneurs. Quad Code is utilised as a resilient framework for career developments in plethora of scenarios, both in corporate and academic contexts.


Quadrilateral encompasses the core of this self development code highlighting four strands and cohesive cornerstones of building and continuously updating a comprehensive know how and practical skills within the fast paced world that we are living in.


Quadrilateral Code Defines:


• Area of expertise - presumed as a pre-requisite set of skills and knowledge, not the sole focus for a modern professional but merely the combination of their USPs.

• Core business knowledge and skills - language, know how and skills that are transferable within any business environment.

Specific to industry- broader business knowledge, skills within the specific industry, as well as appreciation of notable trends/developments.

• Interpersonal skills- knowledge and appreciation of diverse ways of being and working amongst humans, approaches to interacting, collaborating and leading positive progress, as well as managing one self and retaining direction of achieving personal and professional goals.


Why is Quadrilateral Code relevant now?

Living in dynamic and fast paced environment requires agility, resilience and personal leadership to take on new challenges. More often than not, we need to define who we are and then create the opportunities for ourselves. Create new connections and create new business. Wether being a entrepreneur or being a part of a team, it is more important than ever to find the inner confidence, establish self-efficacy and the get up and go to make a difference in your organisation or in your self.


Nothing is static, the gig economy tendencies mixed with experience and transformational economy characteristics require a greater sense of self, deeper emotional intelligence and personal awareness to be able to adapt and react, with a view of being pro-active and ahead of the curve.

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